Protect your health tips is a guidance for protecting the health on any disease.This is for Doctors, nurse, medical students, other medical professionals and lay people.
Gastritis is a common disease among all the age groups. But the gastritis is very common condition on adolescence and young people. This is a inflammatory condition in the gastric mucosa ( stomach). Most of the time people have less knowledge about gastritis and they tend to use various drugs with out any prescription to get rid of pain.
What is the Gastritis.....?
As we all know our stomach do a huge role in digesting the foods that we talks. It is the place of storage of our food and starting point of various digesting process. Other important thing is it has a large acidity to digest the food. So, This is the most important part of gastritis. Because increased processing of gastric acid is the problem main problem of gastritis. But this is not the only cause of this. However at last the problem is the inflammatory condition of gastric lining.
What are the causes for gastritis.....?
Most of the people thinks that the cause of gastritis is inadequate food intake or the missing of meals. However this is not the only cause of that. It is cause by most factors like following.
1. Improper patter of food.
2. Long term use of analgesics.(most of the time NSAIDs)
3. Inflections like Helicobacter pylori.
4. Too much of alcohol consumption.
5. Long term mental stress.
6. Some antibiotics( Erythromycin) and other drugs.
7. Deformities of Gastric system.
8. Reflux of bile acids.
9. Gastric malignancies.
What are the symptoms of Gastritis.....?
Nausea, and vomiting.
Abdominal bloating.
Feeling of abdominal fullness.
Burning sensation of the upper abdomen.
Blackish discolouration of stools.
How to prevent Gastritis............?
As we have mentioned above gastritis is not only a problem with your improper food practice, but also may due to other causes. So prevention of gastritis includes prevention of all the above risk factors. Also you have to consider of getting the adequate treatment and consulting about this. Specially this should be done if you have long term symptoms or blackish stools. Following are the set of preventive methods.
1. Follow a strike meal pattern.
For the prevention of gastritis you should take your meals according to a time table. Specially avoidance of break first may cause large problems to you. So try to follow strike dietary pattern in your daily life.
2. Avoid the intake of short meals.
Due to the the busy life style of people, they used to avoid the intake of diets with high fiber and has converted to the short meals with law fibers. Most of the modern foods have low amount of fibers. So avoid short meals as much as you can.
3. Avoid unnecessary intake of pain killers.
As mentioned above increase consumption of Analgesics like Paracetamol, NSAIDs like Diclofinac sodium may cause serious gastric erosions. So avoid intake of those as much as possible. This can be achieved by avoidance of unnecessary usage of them.
4. Practice something to reduce your stress.
In the modern life most of we lives with stress. It is a problem of all with out the age or the ethnicity. So if you have something to enjoy your free time it may be very beneficial for you. Also practicing of Yoga or some medication will your stress and ultimately reduce your gastritis.
5. Avoid consumption of Alcohol.
Consumption of alcohol may cause various problems like hypertension, diabetes, cirrhosis, and various problems. Gastritis is also such. Consumption of large amount of alcohol may cause sever gastric damage. So keep in mind to reduce your alcohol consumption. If you can avoid it it is too better.
6. Meet a Doctor.
If you have sever gastric pain or blackish stools , it is necessary to consult a doctor. There you may have to face a endoscopy if he suspect a severe gastritis. Unless treatments with some pills like antacids may be enough. Also if you have a helicobacter pylori inflection, it is necessary to talk antibiotics.
(This is a video of upper gastric endoscopy. video link)
good work, go on....
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